If You Struggle To Set Boundaries At Work, Read This.

Healthy boundaries are essential in all parts of life, and that includes the workplace. However, it can sometimes be challenging to know exactly how to set these boundaries.

So, to set better boundaries at work, feel free to steal these scripts:

🗓️ My team and I would be very happy to work on your project, but we’re unable to start for six weeks.

⏰ I have to leave this meeting at 10:30, but I’ll check in this afternoon after I read the recap.

👥 I’m happy to do it again for you, this time. How about lending me someone on your staff while I do it? I’ll teach them the process, and then you’ll have the resources in-house.

đź“… I can scale back what I give you and do it by the end of the day, or I can complete it and give it to you at the end of the week.

By using these scripts, you're not just setting boundaries – you're paving the way for healthier interactions and more effective communication, along with a better work-life balance that your future self will thank you for.

While these scripts are just examples, feel free to use them as a foundation for your own script-building as it applies to your work life. Make flashcards, if it’s helpful.

The power of these scripts lies in their core characteristics — they prioritize your time, skills, and energy while maintaining respect and consideration for your colleagues. Remember, you can acknowledge your commitments, availability, and limits while offering viable solutions that contribute to the success of the team.

And if you still find yourself needing guidance, we’re always up for a chat. Click here to schedule a free virtual meeting.

P.S. Did you know we rebranded? KPMashburn is now Nurturely Work! See our LinkedIn post about it for more information. đź’›


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