“What Are They Doing All Day?”

“What are they doing all day?”

There may be no question that’s more ubiquitous in some of my conversations with CEOs.

But it’s not a new question.

The tech industry would have you believe that tracking (AKA virtually looking over someone’s shoulder) is the solution.

But how has that worked out for leaders in the past?

The micromanaging, “big brother,” authoritarian way of leading has long been denounced, but add some tech to it and were ready to embrace with open arms?? No. 🤦‍♀️

Don’t get me wrong, I actually support some tracking technology because it…

  • Can help improve service for customers

  • Can help keep employees safe

  • Can uncover bottlenecks and make employees’ jobs easier/more efficient

So, how do you feel confident that employees are being productive?

By focusing on output, or ideally, on outcomes, instead of focusing on input.

Here are a few ways you can do that:

  1. Have a clear understanding of responsibilities and expectations.

  2. Provide continuous real-time feedback. (Don’t rely on yearly performance appraisals)

  3. Always be open to continuously learning and growing yourself. (You don’t know everything!)

Remote or in-person. Entry-level or senior-level. These processes stand the test of time.

💬 If you have thoughts on this topic you’d like to share, or if you’d like to know more about mine, connect with me on LinkedIn where we can chat a bit!


Do What You Say You Will.


Aim to Understand, Not to Intimidate.