Company Culture Red Flags

Leaders, do you often find yourself wondering where specific areas of improvement are hiding within your workplace?

Even daily, seemingly minute habits among employees and managers can actually be harmful to the overarching company culture.

Here are some red flags that point to a company culture problem:

🚩 People sit at their desks all day.

🚩 There’s more emphasis on who the problem is (instead of what).

🚩 People often say they don't have "time" to take a vacation.

🚩 There’s excessive employee turnover.

🚩 Whispers and bickering are frequent.

🚩 Managers monitor an employee's every move.

🚩 Frequent tardiness or absences.

🚩Meetings after the meetings where the real decisions get made.

If you want to stay on top of your workplace’s culture and improve employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall organizational success, these things are just some of the many potential red flags that you can’t turn a blind eye to.

✅ To learn more about how to combat these issues, check out my free resources here. Or, connect with me on LinkedIn here, and we can start a conversation.


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