Leaders, I Don’t Know Who Needs to Hear This…

Leaders, I don’t know who needs to hear this today - But you are killin’ it!

This one's for you. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your incredible dedication and hard work.

You sacrifice so your team can have more.

You treat everyone as fairly as you know how.

You always want to give your team more.

You love your team more than they’ll understand.

But, your best efforts may leave you feeling inadequate.

Your toughest decisions may leave you feeling criticized.

Your situation may leave you feeling lonely.

Day in and day out, you make sacrifices so that your team can thrive. But here's the thing: despite your unwavering efforts, there are moments when you might question yourself.

During these moments, it's essential to prioritize self-care.

Set that phone to do not disturb.

Take a breath (or 10).

Lean on your support network and seek guidance when needed.

Remember that if you are that leader who gives your all for your team, your team probably loves YOU more than you’ll understand.

Take a moment today to celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small.

And keep doing what you do best! You got this, boss. ✌️


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